S-Invest Trading AB

S-Invest Trading AB. S-Invest is a wholly-owned company within the Stena Group, operating 3 sales channels.

Blomsterlandet. Is a retail chain mainly focused on planned purchases, especially in the area of gardening accessories and indoor plants. Blomsterlandet currently operates 55 stores.

Blomsterlandet.se is the company’s E-Commerce channel that was launched in 2016.

S-Blommor sells flowers in grocery retail stores through their shop-in-shop concept.
It is mainly focused on impulse purchases of cut flowers and potted plants. S-Blommor delivers plants to approximately 200 different stores in Sweden.


”Aardse delivers fine plants of consistent quality. Their team are always flexible when problems arise and come up with solutions that benefit all parties. They have been a trusted partner for many years!”

We would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

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